Chapter 1

Caroline Marie Walkers had lost her husband a month back. Along with her husband, she had lost her peace too. Johnathan James Walkers, her husband died in a car crash, he was driving home late and crashed into a pole. The impact was hard and therefore he died on the spot.

The news of his death froze Caroline. She couldn't utter a word till she saw his lifeless body in the morgue. A sharp painful sound emerged from her throat. The next few weeks were filled with precinct visits, interrogation, tears and questions from her 7 year old child, Macky.

Macky didn't understand his father's absence. He didn't know why Johnathan wasn't present at breakfast anymore or why he received pitied looks from everyone around him. The kid didn't even understand his mother's tears.

Why was his mother always crying? Why wouldn't she ever talk?

Lately, Caroline had been trying to get her life back together, though it seemed impossible. She got up and took a shower for the first time in six days. She sat down in front of her vanity and held the comb in her hands. Her face looked defeated. Dark circles highlighted most of her face. Nevertheless, she began combing her entangled hair with determination. The knots and tangles almost broke the maroon bristled brush but after 45 minutes, Caroline managed to make it look presentable. She quickly put on some concealer and a lip balm and made her way to Macky's bedroom.

"Macky, bubba." He was lying on the floor, starfish style, staring at the ceiling.

"We are going to the mall, put on some shoes."

 Macky did not respond to her. It had been two weeks since the mother and son spoke to each other. They'd see each other when her mother would call them downstairs for food and retire to their respective rooms. Caroline was determined to change that. She didn't want to lose her son either. He was the only remaining hope. Hope to continue living.

"Going somewhere?" Her mother asked.

"Yeah. I'm taking Mackey to the mall."

Her mother smiled. "Good. some air will do you some good. Come back soon, though."

Sitting at a table in the food court, she glanced at her son. They haven't spoken yet. She didn't know how to or what to start with. Sighing, she scooped up some ice cream from her bowl.

"Mamma?" Macky called out to her. The poor boy's eyes were filled with sadness. "Is dad going to come back?"

"No baby." It broke Caroline's heart to say that. "He is with God now."

Macky sighed and moved closer to her. "Don't worry mamma. I'll take care of you."

Caroline ran her fingers through his hair and hugged him.

"Talk to me, okay?"

Her poor son had missed his mother. She immediately felt terrible. "Yes baby, I'm sorry for not talking to you."

 The rest of the day was bittersweet. In the Arcade zone, Caroline helped Mackey win a few games at Ms. Pac-man and also got him a new soft toy. The moment was soon overshadowed by sadness when Macky noticed a father buying a bicycle for his son. Caroline quickly held his hand and walked away from there. They shopped a little and Mackey picked out a gift for his granny.

When they got home, Macky regaled his grandmother about his day. Caroline shot her mother a grateful look. Her mother had been such a rock, a constant support ever since the passing of Johnathan. A few more weeks and she'd get herself together.

She hit the bed with a thud. She thought about her life a month back and her life now. Everything just changed. Jonathan and she met in university. They were sitting at the same table in the library. Jonathan approached her with his charming smile and swept her off her feet in ten minutes. Five years later, they eloped and got hitched and two years later, they had Mackey, the joy of their lives and now Johnathan was gone.

A ping from her phone alerted her.

We need you to be here at the precinct tomorrow. Got a couple of questions to ask.- Detective Murrow.

What do they want to ask me now? Caroline blew out some air and sent 'okay'.

Her mind went into a frenzy with all kinds of topics the detective would want to talk about.

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