Chapter 2

"Thank you for coming, Mrs. Walkers." Caroline internally winced at being called Mrs. Walkers but she didn't correct Detectived Murrow. Next to Murrow sat another detective, Winslow. Winslow was a middle aged man with a protruding belly and gray hair. He sat with one of his legs sticking out and a hand on his stomach. Caroline thought he looked like a pregnant woman.

"We have a few questions for you." Murrow took a sip of her coffee and opened her notebook. The case file on her husband was on the table before Winslow.

"Alright, how long were you Johnathan together?"

"14 years. Married for 9." Caroline didn't know why she was being asked this but to be honest, she didn't really care. She'd answer their questions and get home to her son.

"How was Mr. Walker's behavior in the weeks leading up to his accident?"

What kind of a question was that? And why was I being asked this? Caroline had only just started to get back to normal but these detectives seemed hell bent on making her relive the past.

"Normal, I guess. He was busy with work at the office so we didn't get to see him much. He'd come home late." Caroline was bewildered with the questions. Was all this necessary now?

"I see." 

"I'm sorry. Why am I being interrogated?" Caroline let her curiosity come through.

"Mrs. Walkers," Detective Winslow leaned forward, "you're not being interrogated. We just have some questions. You're free to leave once you finish answering."

"Did you and Mr. Walker ever fight?"

The question made Caroline want to laugh. "We used to live together. Of course, we had our fights and disagreements."

"Any big fights that happened recently?" Caroline scrunched up her face in confusion. Like any married couple, they had their fair share of ups and downs but love was always present. Even when they had the nastiest fights, love was always lurking somewhere around them.

"No. Not really. Johnathan was busy working on a big project before all this happened." There were no big fights recently mainly because Johnathan wasn't around much. For months, he'd leave home and come back home really late. The house and Macky had all become Caroline's responsibility but she didn't complain. This project was big. Jonathan would come around soon and they'd take a trip somewhere. There was always love between them.

"Well," Murrow sighed. "There is no easy way to say this but we got your husband's phone records and apparently there have been many calls and texts made to Poppy Williams."

"I'm sorry? Poppy Williams was his colleague. They were working on this project together."

 "Yes but you see," Winslow opened the file and dropped a stack of papers before Caroline. "These are his phone records. You can see the texts."

Caroline saw how there was decline in the phone calls and texts made to her and an increase in the phone calls made to Poppy. The text messages ranged from flirty to obscene. Her husband was cheating on her.

"Oh." A tear slipped down her face. "I- I didn't know." Murrow slid a glass of water to her.

"Yes. Your husband was having an affair." Detective Murrow squeezed Caroline's hand. "We have called in Ms. Williams in for questioning. As you can see from the texts, she had been urging your husband to divorce you." Caroline could only nod. This new piece of information tore her heart.

"Also we've found some poison in his body." Caroline gasped. Poison?

"We've also come to know that Miss Williams would bring him lunch so there's a huge possibility that the poison was her doing." Caroline nodded. Johnathan had stopped taking lunch from home. He insisted that he'd eat something from the office cafeteria and asked Caroline not to overwork herself.

She was finally let go and Detective Murrow assured that she'd be updated if there were more developments. Caroline looked at the side mirror to see that she was a long way from the precinct. She quickly wiped her face and sighed.

Stupid police and stupid Johnathan. It took them so long to find out about his affair. Caroline's patience was thinning. She almost dropped her own evidence to hint towards Poppy Williams. That cunning witch. 

Four months ago, Caroline decided to surprise her husband at work by bringing in lunch. He was working late and was always so tired. They barely got to spend any time together. Pulling up to his office, the visual in front of her shocked her. Sat in his car, Jonathan and Poppy were making out. The same car Caroline helped him buy in the final year of his university.

She felt all kinds of emotions hit her. Betrayal, anger, sadness and then there was numbness. Two weeks later, she planted a chip in his car in the hopes of catching some snippets of their conversations and luckily she did. It was mostly kissing sounds and love oaths but a particular conversation had her seeing red. Her scum of a husband had assured Poppy that he will leave his wife and not just that, he'd also leave his son behind and they'd go off riding into the sunset.

Caroline also noticed that he stopped paying the mortgage on the house. Their debts kept piling up but that low-life was only interested in sticking his tongue down his mistress' throat. That was when Caroline came up with his murder plan. Talking to him would be a waste. He would simply leave her and Macky in debt and go off to his lover.

Good thing, Poppy lived her life on social media. When she was out one night clubbing, Caroline broke into her house and slipped some poison into the food and left the poison bottle wedged in a shelf high up. She was careful to not leave any traces of her presence. Caroline also disabled the airbags in Johnathan's car. Thanks to her degree in Automobile Engineering, she knew how to make it not look like it was done on purpose. The car was old anyway. It was in the garage one too many times already.

The acting was the hard part. Acting like she was actually grieving her husband, acting like she was depressed and now she had to act all betrayed because of his cheating. Caoline was exhausted but quickly smiled. Only a few more weeks, she will go back to normal. Poppy will be arrested for Johnathan's murder and Johnathan's insurance claim would come through that would help with their debts. Her genius plan would work. It had to.

She was glad she was rid of the dirt of her husband. He was never a good father anyway. Macky and her would be so much happier without him. So happy. 


Hope Yall liked this one. Stay tuned for more stories like this and do show me lots and lots of love. Thank youuu

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